Srishti Mind Oasiss

Balancing Act: Embracing the Holistic Lifestyle for a Fulfilling Life

Holistic living is generally a way of life which interconnects our mind, body and soul. When we feel that we are missing something in life, then there is a possibility that we are missing some important part of our life and that is the only answer we get from holistic living.  That’s how we are balancing our life, how we are juggling in all the aspects of our life.  Be it our mind, body, soul connected areas, the key to overall wellbeing is called holistic life. Living holistically can be the answer to your problem!

However, holistic life might vary from person to person. Because what may work for someone else may not work for you. For example, some people might meditate or do yoga to connect with their minds and bodies, while others do hip-hop dance in the streets. See?  It really depends on the person. The key is to find what works for you and your overall well-being.

What is the holistic perspective of living a life?

It is the belief that all parts of something are interconnected and interdependent. This means that each part of a person cannot be fully understood without considering the whole person.

We must consider not just the body’s fitness but also mental and emotional well-being. It’s about looking at the big picture and understanding that everything is connected.

To summarize everything, the holistic perspective is about:

  • Taking the wholesome picture of living into account.
  • Understanding that everything is interconnected to each other.
  • Considering all aspects of life at the same page.

              What are the 7 pillars of holistic living?

These pillars include: Intention, Time, Emotions, Physical & Mental health, financial, Spiritual, knowledge


  1. Intention: a) Give you want to give who matter for you. b) Learn from those people who matter Intention is the basic foundation upon which the holistic approach to life is built. It involves setting clear and meaningful goals for ourselves, aligning our actions with our values, and  purpose. When we live with intention, every decision and action becomes purposeful, leading to a more satisfying and purpose-driven life.
  1. Time: a) Spent time reactively & creatively. b) Do & delegate Time is the most precious resource for us.  It has a huge impact on our life and how we spend it.  How we effectively manage our time on our overall well-being. It enlightens us on how to balance our work, relationships, self-care and personal growth in our lives. By prioritizing what truly matters, & delegate the things we can reduce stress and live a more harmonious life.
  1. Finance: Financial well-being is an essential part of the holistic approach to life. Money, when managed wisely, can provide us with the freedom to pursue our passions and live a life aligned with our values. Its very important to learn how to budget, save, and invest for secure our future while enjoying the present.

 4.Emotions:Our emotions are the threads that weave the fabric of our holistic lifestyle. They are not to be suppressed & ignored but to understood. By acknowledging the role of emotions and taking steps to cultivate emotional well-being, we can lead more fulfilling, balanced, and holistic lives.


  1. Knowledge: Knowledge is the key  aspect to personal growth and empowerment. It enables us to make informed & intellectual decisions and adapt to the ever-changing world around us. We have to keep updating ourselves for continuous learning and self-improvement. It enhances our capabilities and enriches our lives for betterment.
  1. Discipline: Discipline is the bridge between intention and action. It involves cultivating habits and  daily routines that support our goals and values. By practicing self-discipline, we can overcome procrastination, build resilience, and stay committed to our holistic well-being journey.
  1. Spirituality: Spirituality gives a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. It provides a source of inner peace, purpose, and guidance. Cultivating spirituality can help us find meaning in life’s challenges and connect with our inner higher-selves.
  1. Mental & Physical Health: Mental health is a crucial element of holistic well-being. It involves nurturing our emotional and psychological state through practices such as mindfulness, therapy, and self-care. Prioritizing mental health enables us to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges of life effectively, as well our physical health forms the basis for all other aspects of well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest are essential for maintaining physical health. A healthy body provides us with the energy and vitality needed to pursue our goals and enjoy life to the fullest.


In the pursuit of holistic well-being, it is crucial to recognize the interconnectedness of intention, time, money, knowledge, discipline, spirituality, mental health, and physical health. By consciously balancing these dimensions of our lives, we can lead a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Embracing the holistic approach to life allows us to prioritize what truly matters and find harmony in an increasingly complex world. So, take a moment to reflect on these elements and embark on your journey toward a more balanced and holistic life today.

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